Combined Annual Training Camp - 2020


The aim of Combined Annual training day cadre is to train SD/SW cadets who are appearing for 'B' and 'C' certificate exam in rifle drill , Weapon training and other subjects. 
All cadets from different institutions which are under 39 KAR BN NCC are almost 500 cadets took part in the day cadre.

Opening Ceremony

Opening address by Col. S.K.Singh being the cadre commandant who filled up the josh to the cadets , and was very thankful to the management of St.Vincent Pallotti College  

Lt. col Nupur Gupta being Deputy commandant,    Lt. M Pavan Yadav being cadre Adjutant, welcomed our beloved director of St.Vincent Pallotti College  Rev.Fr Gilbert Mascarenhas. 

Weapon Training                                                            
Once it comes to weapon training, it gains the eagerness and excitement of all.        

Lecture and Demonstration  of Weapon Training explained by the cadet of SVPC 

Campus visit by Group Commander

Visit of Bangalore B group commander             Col. Freeman during the day cadre on 29th dec and got impressed  with the college infrastructure and appreciated the training activities.


Field craft and Battle craft

A Demonstration of Field craft and battle craft .
it is the art of using the ground and the weapon available to the best of ones own advantages.


Field signals and section formations, at the time of war soldiers use variety of moments to escape from the vigil of enemy on knowledge of how to move correctly and how to use ground.

Drill Training:

drill, Preparation of soldiers for performance of their duties in peace and war , drill consolidates cadets into battle formations and familiarizes them with their weapons

Closing ceremony:    





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